Thursday, February 14, 2013


As Emily stated in her most recent blog, I also believe that the term "dream" is thrown around rather loosely in modern society. It is used to mean literal dreams, but also to mean hopes for the future, goals, aspirations, and realities that will never come to be. The dictionary definition of this is: a succession of images, thoughts, or emotions passing through the mind during sleep, or an involuntary vision experienced while awake. In these types of dreams, the subconscious mind is dominating the "real" mind. However the only obstacle that makes the "real" mind, or conscious mind, more important (in my opinion) is individual people's desire for control over their emotions and feelings.

So as not to stunt my readers' creativity with my own bias interpretation, I will objectively relate my most recent "complete" dream below. I will also note that I can not remember dreams with any amount of completeness on normal nights, as I have issues with sleeping. After taking Advil PM or similar sleeping aids though, I sleep well and therefore dream quite vividly.

My dream begins at a family reunion on my mom's side. It is a second-rate lake resort somewhere in the middle of the U.S. While there, we receive word that we are required to register ourselves as militia-men and register our firearms in order to keep them. I, of course, take my m4 and join my brothers and dad in the walk across the country to wherever, as there are no working vehicles or other methods of transportation. We travel across farmland, avoiding cities, but somehow we run into government hitmen anyway on a farm between haystacks. I am separated from the guys. Later, I meet up with a half dozen random people, two of which also have weapons, and we travel together for a while. In some sandy place with red rock cliffs, we realize that "going to register" was a sham, and that the government is merely trying to "round up" the "troublemakers" to have them executed. I break off from my new friends and end up living in a tourist cabin in a deserted cove near the ocean somewhere where there is snow. I live here for a month or two with a boy I met - we love and hate each other, but we trust each other which is all that matters. We become hardened toward life, caring little about anything but ourselves, using each other for protection and occasionally for emotional release; we forget what it is like to be happy and carefree. Eventually, I wind up leaving him too, and meeting up with my brothers, dad, and the rest of my family. We move all of the items from the farmhouse in which I found my mother and the little children, back to our home. But find that nothing is the same. So we pack up the belongings again (not ours... but no one's now) and hit the road. 
The end.

 Weird, yes. Political, yes. But definitely an insight into my subconscious.


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