To give a heart yet loose one’s very self
A death; surrender to what cannot be
Alone until that light of promise brings
A troubled soul and body pulled to me
His rich low voice sent tremors to my core
A miracle again to feel at all
Calm now interrupts internal war
A spring to counter never ending fall
Familiar lips can mask a stranger’s eyes
A temporary cure of shattered hearts
In days gone by a heart that solely cries
This time though a fine and abstract art
A warmth replaces empty dreams forlorn
A hope the nightstand fee left in the morn’

As I've said before, I don't much care for the sonnet format. I still don't really care for it. But after experimenting with it, I have decided that it is a good tool, if nothing else, to assist poetry writers with allowing their writing to flow within a frame; to embody an entire meaning in fourteen lines. I strove to let the format simply be. So this is my result. While it doesn't exactly follow the prompt, I tried to keep it along the lines of butterfly-love...albeit a slightly unconventional kind. Enjoy.
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